
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Criterion Year Week 52: Following
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
The Criterion Collection, the last vestige of truly collectible DVD and Blu-Ray movies in existence. These are well produced, fancy pants editions of important and interesting films for the discerning film lover.
We continue our journey through Jim's collection of movies with...
Spine Number: 638
Director: Christopher Nolan
Genre: Drama

Next week,
Spine number 647: On The Waterfront
Also, check this out.
The Life Masters is now it's own show with its own site and own dedicated feed. That's right, we have two completely different shows!
Right now check it out at www.thelifemasters.podbean.com.
You can also drink in our brilliance on Youtube for both The Film Thugs and The Life Masters.
Looks like Summer Movie League has officially become Fantasy Movie League.
It looks quite fun. Here's how it works.
You have an 8 screen theater.
Every week you pick movies and have a budget/salary cap you have to stay under.
Then you compete against other theaters in your league.
It's fantasy football for movie people.
Our league is Film Thugs 2015 and the password is Porterhouse.
And remember, you can be a part of the show any time you wild like. How's that? All you have to do is call or e-mail us. If you live in the US, or any place that makes calling the US easy, just dial 512-666-RANT and leave us a voicemail. We will read the Google Voice transcript and play your message. It's both funny AND informative.
If you live outside the US you can call us on Skype at The_Film_Thugs. You can leave a message, or someone might actually answer.
E-mail us at thefilmthugs@gmail.com and we will read/play whatever you send us, or you can e-mail thugquestions@gmail.com to be part of an upcoming "Ask the Film Thugs" show, where we answer questions on any subject without having heard them first.
Also, we are on twitter @thefilmthugs and on Facebook and Vine.
Also, be sure to check back often for our new endeavor The Life Masters, where we answer questions to other advice columnists.
Thanks for listening, and until next week...

Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Criterion Year Week 53: The Game
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
The Criterion Collection, the last vestige of truly collectible DVD and Blu-Ray movies in existence. These are well produced, fancy pants editions of important and interesting films for the discerning film lover.
We continue our journey through Jim's collection of movies with...
The Game
Spine Number: 627
Director: David Fincher
Genre: Drama
David Fincher is a hell of a fine filmmaker, and "The Game" is a damn fine film. Just need to say that up front, because this show... well... it's hard to describe.
We spend a lot of time talking about how the titular "game" could have gone wrong, and how fundamentally screwed up the entire idea of this thing is.
But, it is a damned good time.
This episode is the closest you will get to what it's actually like to watch a movie with us. We are irreverent, profane, and just trying to make each other laugh.
But, it is a damned good time.
Next week,
Spine number 638: Following
Also, check this out.
The Life Masters is now it's own show with its own site and own dedicated feed. That's right, we have two completely different shows!
Right now check it out at www.thelifemasters.podbean.com.
You can also drink in our brilliance on Youtube for both The Film Thugs and The Life Masters.
Looks like Summer Movie League has officially become Fantasy Movie League.
It looks quite fun. Here's how it works.
You have an 8 screen theater.
Every week you pick movies and have a budget/salary cap you have to stay under.
Then you compete against other theaters in your league.
It's fantasy football for movie people.
Our league is Film Thugs 2015 and the password is Porterhouse.
And remember, you can be a part of the show any time you wild like. How's that? All you have to do is call or e-mail us. If you live in the US, or any place that makes calling the US easy, just dial 512-666-RANT and leave us a voicemail. We will read the Google Voice transcript and play your message. It's both funny AND informative.
If you live outside the US you can call us on Skype at The_Film_Thugs. You can leave a message, or someone might actually answer.
E-mail us at thefilmthugs@gmail.com and we will read/play whatever you send us, or you can e-mail thugquestions@gmail.com to be part of an upcoming "Ask the Film Thugs" show, where we answer questions on any subject without having heard them first.
Also, we are on twitter @thefilmthugs and on Facebook and Vine.
Also, be sure to check back often for our new endeavor The Life Masters, where we answer questions to other advice columnists.
Thanks for listening, and until next week...

Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Criterion Year Week 52: Harold and Maude
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
The Criterion Collection, the last vestige of truly collectible DVD and Blu-Ray movies in existence. These are well produced, fancy pants editions of important and interesting films for the discerning film lover.
We continue our journey through Jim's collection of movies with...
Harold and Maude
Spine Number: 608
Director: Hal Ashby
Genre: Comedy
Making a movie, even a bad one, is an almost impossible task to undertake. So many things have to line up just to get a go ahead, and once you get going so many little things can go wrong that every day becomes, essentially, an uphill battle. So movies that are great, truly great, are rare and magical things.
But what about perfect movies? I mean, is it possible for a movie to be perfect?
The short answer is, yes. It is possible for a movie to be perfect. So many things have to go right for this to happen, but it is possible. These things do exist, there just aren't many of them.
Well... this week, we discuss a perfect movie.
Harold and Maude. Damn.
Clarkson summed this up perfectly several years ago. "I don't know anyone who doesn't like 'Harold and Maude, and I don't want to."
Harold and Maude a simple, unconventional love story between a young man with no moorings or place in the world who can only find some sort of connection by faking elaborate suicides for his mother's "benefit," and attending the funerals of strangers. On the surface, he has everything. He's from a VERY rich family and doesn't seem to have a care in the world. But, under that surface he is a lonely and isolated.
Enter Maude. The exact opposite. An older woman with out a lot of material possessions, but with an unending love and enthusiasm for life.
We follow their friendship over the course of one week, and see how much of an impact the right person can have at the right time in someones life.
There are so many ways this movie could go wrong, but at every point it stays the course. Change any aspect of it, and it falls apart. One change in casting, one song removed or replaced, one scene longer or shorter and this movie might not work. But, as it stands, everything about it is perfect. The cast could not be better, the visual aesthetics are flawless (and Wes Anderson should be paying royalties to this movie), the music is superb... everything is perfect.
So, join us for a discussion that is almost completely on topic! Yes, we do discuss the cult film phenomenon and spend a bit of time talking about Highlander and The Boondocks Saints, but aside from that... we are all about Harold and Maude.
Next week, a new year begins with...
Spine number 627: The Game
Also, check this out.
The Life Masters is now it's own show with its own site and own dedicated feed. That's right, we have two completely different shows!
Right now check it out at www.thelifemasters.podbean.com.
You can also drink in our brilliance on Youtube for both The Film Thugs and The Life Masters.
Looks like Summer Movie League has officially become Fantasy Movie League.
It looks quite fun. Here's how it works.
You have an 8 screen theater.
Every week you pick movies and have a budget/salary cap you have to stay under.
Then you compete against other theaters in your league.
It's fantasy football for movie people.
Our league is Film Thugs 2015 and the password is Porterhouse.
And remember, you can be a part of the show any time you wild like. How's that? All you have to do is call or e-mail us. If you live in the US, or any place that makes calling the US easy, just dial 512-666-RANT and leave us a voicemail. We will read the Google Voice transcript and play your message. It's both funny AND informative.
If you live outside the US you can call us on Skype at The_Film_Thugs. You can leave a message, or someone might actually answer.
E-mail us at thefilmthugs@gmail.com and we will read/play whatever you send us, or you can e-mail thugquestions@gmail.com to be part of an upcoming "Ask the Film Thugs" show, where we answer questions on any subject without having heard them first.
Also, we are on twitter @thefilmthugs and on Facebook and Vine.
Also, be sure to check back often for our new endeavor The Life Masters, where we answer questions to other advice columnists.
Thanks for listening, and until next week...

Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Criterion Year Week 51: The Killing
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
The Criterion Collection, the last vestige of truly collectible DVD and Blu-Ray movies in existence. These are well produced, fancy pants editions of important and interesting films for the discerning film lover.
We continue our journey through Jim's collection of movies with...
The Killing
Spine Number: 575
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Genre: Heist
Author James Ellroy one said that the distance between getting a screenplay or book optioned and having a green light on actually getting the movie made is about the same as the distance between first kiss and 50th monogamous wedding anniversary. Yes, people do it, but it is by no means an easy prospect. Hell, it's so difficult that it borders on the impossible. It is entirely possible to literally spend years on a project and never actually get a frame of it shot, and even if you do get it filmed... there is no guarantee it will ever be released.
That's why director's first film is very telling.
What do you do when you actually get a shot at this?
A lot of people play it safe. That's completely understandable and absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. But some people decide to just go for it.
Stanley Kubrick was definitely one of the latter.
Although technically not a first film (he had two features under his belt before making this, but few people actually count those), The Killing was absolutely the beginning of Kubrick's career, and he was about as Kubrick with it as one could possibly be.
The Killing is, first and foremost, a heist movie. It has all the necessary elements, but Kubrick took it a step beyond that.
What could have been just another by the numbers crime film is instead one of the ballsiest debut features ever made. Kubrick plays with the very idea of film narrative. Not only is it not chronological, you repeat the same space of time over and over again from different angles. The film describes itself as a jigsaw puzzle, and that is the perfect metaphor. There are many different pieces, and you have no idea how any of them fit into the picture until the final image comes together. The narrative is stark and tight, and the pieces combine so perfectly that, although in retrospect, the plan is crystal clear you still get the joy of discovery as it unfolds.
So, join us as we discuss one of the most impressive debut films ever from one of the true masters of the art form.
We reach the end of year one with...
Spine number 608: Harold and Maude
Also, check this out.
The Life Masters is now it's own show with its own site and own dedicated feed. That's right, we have two completely different shows!
Right now check it out at www.thelifemasters.podbean.com.
You can also drink in our brilliance on Youtube for both The Film Thugs and The Life Masters.
Looks like Summer Movie League has officially become Fantasy Movie League.
It looks quite fun. Here's how it works.
You have an 8 screen theater.
Every week you pick movies and have a budget/salary cap you have to stay under.
Then you compete against other theaters in your league.
It's fantasy football for movie people.
Our league is Film Thugs 2015 and the password is Porterhouse.
And remember, you can be a part of the show any time you wild like. How's that? All you have to do is call or e-mail us. If you live in the US, or any place that makes calling the US easy, just dial 512-666-RANT and leave us a voicemail. We will read the Google Voice transcript and play your message. It's both funny AND informative.
If you live outside the US you can call us on Skype at The_Film_Thugs. You can leave a message, or someone might actually answer.
E-mail us at thefilmthugs@gmail.com and we will read/play whatever you send us, or you can e-mail thugquestions@gmail.com to be part of an upcoming "Ask the Film Thugs" show, where we answer questions on any subject without having heard them first.
Also, we are on twitter @thefilmthugs and on Facebook and Vine.
Also, be sure to check back often for our new endeavor The Life Masters, where we answer questions to other advice columnists.
Thanks for listening, and until next week...

Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Criterion Year Week 50: Blow Out
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
The Criterion Collection, the last vestige of truly collectible DVD and Blu-Ray movies in existence. These are well produced, fancy pants editions of important and interesting films for the discerning film lover.
We continue our journey through Jim's collection of movies with...
Blow Out
Spine Number: 562
Director: Brian De Palma
Genre: Drama
Brian De Palma is a bit of a quandary. He is undoubtedly one of the most important directors in the New Hollywood movement of the 1970's. His work has always been very slick and very Hitchcock inspired.
But, therein lies the problem. You see, when you set yourself up for comparison with one of the unquestioned masters of your art form, you inevitable end up looking a little... lacking.
His career is littered with classics and disasters, but then... most people don't even have the classics.
Which brings us to...
While not explicitly based on anything, "Blow Out," is essentially a reworking of "Blow Up," but instead of a photographer finding evidence of a murder in the background of one of his photos, a sound engineer accidentally records a political assassination.
This is one of the best Hitchcock inspired thrillers out there. The plot is tight, the action moves along, the omnipresence of evil is showcased beautifully, the performances are outstanding, and the camera work is absolutely beautiful. It works on every level.
Performance wise... man. Travolta has never been better. Nancy Allen is heartbreaking. John Lithgow is absolutely perfect. Dennis Franz is just brilliant.
There really isn't much more to be said here. This is a solid. often overlooked film that really deserves much more praise than it receives. So, join as as we talk about this fantastic piece of work.
In two weeks, we continue our run of movies that Clarkson will be seeing for the first time ever with...
Spine number 575: The Killing
Also, check this out.
The Life Masters is now it's own show with its own site and own dedicated feed. That's right, we have two completely different shows!
Right now check it out at www.thelifemasters.podbean.com.
You can also drink in our brilliance on Youtube for both The Film Thugs and The Life Masters.
Looks like Summer Movie League has officially become Fantasy Movie League.
It looks quite fun. Here's how it works.
You have an 8 screen theater.
Every week you pick movies and have a budget/salary cap you have to stay under.
Then you compete against other theaters in your league.
It's fantasy football for movie people.
Our league is Film Thugs 2015 and the password is Porterhouse.
And remember, you can be a part of the show any time you wild like. How's that? All you have to do is call or e-mail us. If you live in the US, or any place that makes calling the US easy, just dial 512-666-RANT and leave us a voicemail. We will read the Google Voice transcript and play your message. It's both funny AND informative.
If you live outside the US you can call us on Skype at The_Film_Thugs. You can leave a message, or someone might actually answer.
E-mail us at thefilmthugs@gmail.com and we will read/play whatever you send us, or you can e-mail thugquestions@gmail.com to be part of an upcoming "Ask the Film Thugs" show, where we answer questions on any subject without having heard them first.
Also, we are on twitter @thefilmthugs and on Facebook and Vine.
Also, be sure to check back often for our new endeavor The Life Masters, where we answer questions to other advice columnists.
Thanks for listening, and until next week...